Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Great trip and lots fun

As school was almost over, it was time to pack our luggage and hit the road. We went to a lot of different places, including, Rocky mountains NP, Arches NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Capital Reef NP, Yosemite NP, Sequoia NP, and Kings Canyon NP. We also saw a lot of nice places like, Las Vegas, and LA. This year my brother, Yannick went with us, we did a lot of hikes and camped together. We saw a lot of wild life, like Elk's, Squirrels, Chipmonks, and a lot of Bears, that were walking just passed the path, on our hikes.

Here are some pictures which we took:

A few weeks later my sister left to go to the Netherlands and France for a several weeks. I sure wanted to come with but I couldn't cause I had tournaments to play. I did good in my tournament playing a level higher and winning some. On July,27 until August 1st, I had to go to Omaha (Nebraska) for my first zonals team tournament. It was amazing we had a very nice Hotel, the courts were beautiful, we had to be on the court at 7am to practice and at 8 it was time for matches. We had to play two matches a day, singles & doubles. I won 7/9 of my matches, not loosing any doubles matches. Doubles was cool, My partner Nikita Snechko, would wear the same clothes as me and our team all got a medal at he end. Our two coaches, Bruce & Ryan were awesome, they got to coach me during matches and helped me on and off he court.
Here are some Pictures which my dad took at Omaha:

See you then,
My friends,


Sophie said...

I like the pictures in the river. What are you looking for ? Gold ? Or wetness ?

PS : est-ce que wetness est le bon mot ou est-ce que vous avez bien rigolé ? En français j'aurais dit fraicheur...

Anonymous said...

Non, c'est un sentier qui se termine dans l'eau. Papa et maman l'avaient vu sur leur guide mais en mai, le sentier etait ferme car il y avait trop d'eau! Tu vois un peu! 2 mois plus tard, ils en avaient jusqu'a la taille. Je pense que nous, nous nous serions noyes! hahaha! Valerie

Anonymous said...

Your so lucky you get to go to
the zonals. I would still want
to play even though I know I am
going to get beaten up.

Anonymous said...

I hope you make it to the 2012 zonals again.
I wish I could. Keep adding to your blog. It is awesome so far.