Tuesday, February 23, 2010

News of the week

I started a new training, it's for footwork, balance and strength. I go there twice per week for 1.5 hours. It's great for tennis and I have seen I have already more speed and power. My mom took some pictures and videos last week. And here they are:

I also had a tournament last weekend. I was ranked #1 in the tournament for boys 12 and under. The first match I won the first set, lost the second, and in the 3rd set I was behind 3-1, 30-love and came back and won the set 6-3 and won the match 6-3/4-6/6-3. I was very happy.

In the semi-final I had to play Charlie Adkins. I already played him a couple of times, the last time we played I won 6-2/6-2. It was fun this time because we had an empire. It was the first time for me that an empire was sitting in his high chair counting for us. I played good but lost 6-7/4-6. Charlie won afterwards the final. He played really good.

Next weekend I have another tournament. This one is only doubles. I am playing doubles with a friend and also mixed doubles. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Two weeks ago, it was snowing again here. It was fun to walk outside with my dog who had a lot

of fun too. Here are some pictures that my mom took.

See you next time
my fans


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow i love the videos you should have more your bff nate